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Key Stage3 Mathematics

Page history last edited by Steven Cooper 9 years, 5 months ago

Year 7

Mathematics in year 7 is covered without the aid of a calculator. Topics are generally covered at the board with examples to illustrate techniques used.

This could be followed by handouts of printed results and worked examples, underpinned by homework exercises on the material. As a rule homework is given in every Mathematics lesson with, usually, a two day deadline. Pupils are therefore encouraged to tackle the homework on the night they receive it and where, necessary, deal with any problems arising from the work the following day with either the Mathematics teacher or in any mathematics workshop held at lunchtime or after school. The specifications for year 7 are divided into four strands as shown below. The links show possible lesson plans and possible homeworks set.




Year 7 Summer Exam - Paper 1.pdf

Year 7 Summer Exam - Paper 2.pdf


Year 8

Mathematics in year 8 is covered without the aid of a calculator until the christmas break. Giving parents ample chance to purchase calculators for their children or leave it up to Santa!

Topics are generally covered as with year 7, at the board with examples to illustrate techniques used. The structure of the department is as with year 7, students come to expect this continuity. The specifications for year 8 are divided into four strands as shown below. The links show possible lesson plans and possible homeworks set.




Year 8 paper 1 non.doc   Year 8 Paper2.doc

Y8B Paper1 Non.doc    Year 8B Paper 2.doc

Year 9

Mathematics in year 9 ensures that most aspects of the work required for GCSE Mathematics has been covered, either at Foundation level or Higher.





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